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Communication in the workplace

             Communication is the key in the workplace. You can rise to the top of the professional ladder if you only know how to talk your way to the top. There are certain communication skills you must have in the work place.

            Proper Grammar use in the workplace is very important. Many employers won’t even hire if you use improper grammar. Knowing how to talk to people or important clients is a must if you want be successful in professional world.  Having good grammar in the work place can also save time. Being able to communicate effectively in the workplace is a key time management skill, and having a good grasp on proper grammar can help ensure messages are delivered and received promptly. In to addition having good grammar in the work place it can save face or (your reputation). Making an impression on customers and colleagues through the usage of proper grammar can help an employee maintain an air of professionalism and can help show others that he really cares about his job and his company's products or services. All in all grammar is very important in the workplace it could very well make or break your professional career.

        My field of study is legal mediation; in this field your main job really is to communicate and also invoke communication between two conflicting parties and come to a resolution. One skill a legal mediator should possess should be the skill of active listening. In trial, litigants address juries in their opening statements and final arguments. In mediation, advocates need to establish a two-way dialogue with the other parties by talking with them. Dialogue is facilitated by active listening. Another skill you should have should be the of evaluation. You must be able to evaluate information from documents such as claim applications, birth or death certificates, or physician or employer records.

        These skills are developed over time and with much practice. But if you use these skills in non-stressful situation and stressful situations you will be able to master and properly execute these skills. There are way you can become a better active listener just by paying attention. Give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message. Recognize that non-verbal communication also "speaks" loudly.  In addition you can show that you’re listening, use your own body language and gestures to convoy your attention. Lastly you can become a better active listener by providing feedback, our personal filters, assumptions, judgments, and beliefs can distort what we hear. As listener, our role is to understand what is being said. This may require you to reflect what is being said and ask questions.

        Good grammar, reading, writing and communication skills are important in the work place. Especially in my work field. You must be able to effectively communicate with your customers that is a must in the service industry. Employers will not hire you if you don’t up hold good grammar skills in the workplace. The lesson will help you rise to the top of your professional ladder.



Works cited

Adams, Susan. "Why Grammar Counts at Work." Forbes. 20 July 2012. <>.


Weins, Kyle. "I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why." Harvard Business Review: HRB Blog Network. 20 July 2012. <


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